Andre Lue stated:
< How much memory does each box have ?
<   I recall a bug were the adaptec driver doesn't load on a box over
<   a certain amount of memory.
< 8 Gb in the box where it will not load. Is there a workaround. I will try 
dropping the memory to 2 or 4Gb to test.

  Yup, thats the bug if I recall ( is being upgraded
   at the moment, so I can't check).

  You need 2Gb or less I think.

< lgrpinfo 
< lgroup 0 (root):
<         Children: none
<         CPUs: 0-3
<         Memory: installed 8.0G, allocated 1.1G, free 6.9G
<         Lgroup resources: 0 (CPU); 0 (memory)
<         Load: 0.0101
<         Latency: 0
<   That and is each box booting 64bit kernel ?  The output of isainfo
<   would say: 'amd64 i386' if its running the 64bit kernel.
< The same thing happens w 32 or 64-bit kernel. One thing to note though in 
both cases only a 32-bit cadp driver is available.

  Yup.  And since this card has been EOL'd by Adaptec its not really
  supported.. the cadp driver is also closed src (Adaptec own the code).

  A newer scsi card an option ?

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