
after updating to snv_118, sound finally works on my Thinkpad T61
without any manual configuration. Yay! Kudos to the developers - I am
very impressed by the progress in all areas. OpenSolaris has high
potential to become my default desktop OS here.

So now I have sound and most of the applications I've tried so far
work (e.g. Pidgin notification sounds or watching movies with vlc or
"GNOME Preferences -> Volume Control" shows that the sound  device is
audiohd#0 and the volume sliders are not all the way down.

However, one application refuses to emit and sounds and that is
Firefox. I use version 3.5 as delivered with the distribution plus the
Adobe Flash plugin (version 10,0,22,87, according to
http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/). Flash in general works, I
see animations and can play YouTube videos just fine. However, there
is no sound.

Similarly, embedded videos (not using Flash) also don't provide any
audio, e.g. the OGG files included in this blog post:

There was a similar thread about this (Subject:  "2009.06 dev (B117)
FlashPlayer plugin sound") some time ago, but reinstalling is not
really the option I was looking for. I am stumped - what is Firefox
doing differently?

Any ideas on how to investigate this problem would be appreciated. Thanks!

 Lenz Grimmer <l...@grimmer.com> -  http://www.lenzg.net/
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