
am I the only one experiencing this? FWIW, it still does not work on
snv_124, using FireFox 3.5.2 and Shockwave Flash 10.0.0 d584...

Lenz Grimmer wrote:

> after updating to snv_118, sound finally works on my Thinkpad T61 
> without any manual configuration. Yay! Kudos to the developers - I am
> very impressed by the progress in all areas. OpenSolaris has high 
> potential to become my default desktop OS here.
> So now I have sound and most of the applications I've tried so far 
> work (e.g. Pidgin notification sounds or watching movies with vlc or 
> xine). "GNOME Preferences -> Volume Control" shows that the sound
> device is audiohd#0 and the volume sliders are not all the way down.
> However, one application refuses to emit and sounds and that is 
> Firefox. I use version 3.5 as delivered with the distribution plus
> the Adobe Flash plugin (version 10,0,22,87, according to 
> http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/). Flash in general works,
> I see animations and can play YouTube videos just fine. However,
> there is no sound.
> Similarly, embedded videos (not using Flash) also don't provide any 
> audio, e.g. the OGG files included in this blog post: 
> http://blogs.sun.com/bblfish/entry/froscon_the_free_and_open
> There was a similar thread about this (Subject:  "2009.06 dev (B117) 
> FlashPlayer plugin sound") some time ago, but reinstalling is not 
> really the option I was looking for. I am stumped - what is Firefox 
> doing differently?
> Any ideas on how to investigate this problem would be appreciated.
> Thanks!

 Lenz Grimmer <l...@grimmer.com> -  http://www.lenzg.net/

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