On 22 Sep 2009, at 22:07, Husam Senussi wrote:

Downloading from the NVIDIA web site is fine if you don't need Sun enhancements
such as xVM dom0, fast reboot, MSI support, ...

You can either wait for b124 or grab the SYSV package format at:


If you use this image, when b124 is available this image should be uninstalled
and the IPS format reinstalled:

# pkgrm NVDAgraphicsr NVDAgraphics
# pkg install NVDAgraphics

I tried to install the package but I was getting below error, because pkgrm failed to remove the existing packages so I tried to remove with pkgrm without nVidia script and endup with the same error.

pfexec ./NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-185.18.36-xVM.run
pkgrm: ERROR: unable to change current working directory to </var/ sadm/pkg/NVDAgraphics/install>

Removal of <NVDAgraphics> failed (internal error).
No changes were made to the system.
ERROR: Cannot uninstall the already installed package NVDAgraphics

So unpacked the package and used pkgadd to force the install so what be ok.

And I  also tried "pkg uninstall"
The graphics card working but I ran into strange problem with booting, for some reason I couldn't boot second time after the installation it didn't even show me grub menu.

I had to use bios boot menu in explicitly select the main disk it could be because the motherboard
or boot record is lost it's just doesn't want to boot automatically.

I had to re-install few time what strange this seems to be random some time it happen after third or fourth reboot
and it one time happen straight after the install.
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