Glynn Foster <> writes:

> > 2. If a method exists to "upgrade" from SCXE to Opensolaris
> A method exists, but isn't yet supported.
> (and other google searches)
> will help.

I've tried that recently with some success, although I've found a couple of
problematic issues.  I'll report them at or if they are generic or Indiana specific.  I'll
probably write up my experiences, but am uncertain about the best audience:
caiman-discuss, pkg-discuss, indiana-discuss?

Unfortunately, this isn't an upgrade per se, but rather a Live Install as
has long been requested for LU: a fresh installation of Indiana into a new
BE in an existing SX:CE installation.

I understand that there are plans for something like this for the planned
Indiana-based Enterprise Solaris 11 (or whatever).  Is this already being
talked about publicly?


Rainer Orth, Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University
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