
I have two hard disks and one stick.
The first harddisk has one Solaris partition, one slice c1t0d0s0 (s8t0d0s0 when 
booted from USB stick), with ZFS on it, no UFS whatsoever.
The other hard disk has nothing on it, not even a partition (I deliberately 
deleted all the partitions just to be safe)
Then there is the stick with B122 image on it.
When I boot from the first hard disk (specified with BIOS), it boots to GRUB 
prompt and no further.
When I boot from the stick, I can at least get the GRUB menu, then go to 
command line and boot up the first disk. However "find /boot/grub/menu.lst" 
hangs. Also "root" command tells me the first disk is a UFS.
So we might be hitting a variant of bug 6771971 or something similar.


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