> You are correct, Acer Travelmate 6292 use Intel
> chipset. So it is a different bug. However b118 can
> boot ok. I tried mounting b123 BE and copy the ahci
> driver from b118 and boot but still stopped by the
> same error, maybe because the build is too far
> apart.

Or the root cause for the ahci disk I/O error on
your system is somewhere else...

> I would still like to try b121 driver in case someone
> can provide it for me.

The ahci driver bits can be found in the b121 bfu
archives (x86 Platform / ON BFU Archives (non-debug)):


bunzip2 and un-tar the bfu archive.  The ahci driver
bits can be found in the
archives-nightly-osol-nd/i386/generic.kernel cpio archive
file, e.g. with

     cpio -icdumv "*/ahci*" < kernel.generic
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