On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 11:23:15AM -0700, Chris wrote:
> is there an opensolaris package out there for python 3?  I have 
> search around but haven't found any.

I was wondering the same thing.  The good news is that Python 3.1 is easy
to build and install, assuming you have downloaded the source tgz and
have gcc installed:

   % ./configure --prefix=/opt/local
   % make
   % pfexec make install

   % /opt/local/bin/python3
   Python 3.1.1 (r311:74480, Oct 17 2009, 19:21:17) 
   GCC 3.4.3 (csl-sol210-3_4-20050802)] on sunos5

This can hold you over until the real Python 3 package is available.

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