many of my thread readers may believe that i want features in the windows way. 
But, the thing is that what the majority(close to 80 to 90%) of most computer 
users (non-system and non-app dev population) want is found in the windows and 
mac.  we can other way say that most users find windows and mac usable. I am 
not saying any operating system is wrong. I am striving is to make my installed 
os to be more user friendly to most users(whose core duties are not computer 
related) including my self as I want to learn as less cui as possible. 
I don't touch windows home directory let alone working in that directory. When 
they gave the freedom to create my own directory under c drive/partition or any 
other drive, i don't need/care about my windows home directory. you only say do 
i need/care about /work with it unless i want organize the application 
oh no cui. instead provide these standard commands and permutations and 
combinations of these commands in a structured gui application. do you want the 
users to remember these things? Suppose children in california are using 
laptops instead of books for learning(one of the world's richest state is in 
deficit is altogether a different issue.). Do we want them to spend more time 
on learning open solaris  than on their books? what do you say?
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