Solaris, Mac OS, and Windows all are multiuser and offer filesystem permissions 
which is what you seem to have a problem with.  Windows and Mac OS error on the 
side of being to permissive, and you'll be hard pressed to convince anyone here 
that Solaris should follow that path.  I would argue that "all of my data goes 
under my directory" is more intuitive to novice users than "I can dump junk 
anywhere I want, oh where did I store that file?" is.  The majority of the 
users you discuss don't even USE directories in my experience.  Everything gets 
dumped in the same directory.

You're set in your ways, and rather than learn a different (arguably superior) 
system, you would rather that system conform to you.  OpenSolaris and really 
any Unix isn't the system for you I'm afraid.
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