John Martin wrote:
M D wrote:
This bug is for the RTL8111 chipset and the rge driver. The problem has been going on for some time and the bug has also been open for quite some time without updates. Is anyone working this problem?
The bug was evaluated fairly quickly after creation and
was not reproducible using steps in the description.  Only
recently was a core file at the time of the hang supplied.
It might help to also add the output of "kstat -m rge" after
the NIC appears to hang.  If you email that to me I can attach
it to the bug.
Can you get this to fail with iperf?  The original bug said the failure
happened after transferring 25-30GB.  My rge is:

   mac_ver                         1006632960
   phy_ver                         2

I used Ultra 40 M2 as the iperf serer (iperf -s) and did a bidirectional
test with the rge system as the client (iperf -c IP -d -t 600).  This
transferred over 60GB without issue.

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