Thanks for getting back to me John:
  This may be a different issue. I have noticed that if I do not login
to the laptop console but login through a ssh connection and transfer
large blocks of data I do not see any problems. As soon as I login the
network seems to die! I am running a memory test now on the box and will
update you as soon as I have more information.


On Sat, 2009-10-24 at 17:13 -0400, John Martin wrote:

> M D wrote:
> > This bug is for the RTL8111 chipset and the rge driver. The problem has 
> > been going on for some time and the bug has also been open for quite some 
> > time without updates. Is anyone working this problem?
> >   
> The bug was evaluated fairly quickly after creation and
> was not reproducible using steps in the description.  Only
> recently was a core file at the time of the hang supplied.
> It might help to also add the output of "kstat -m rge" after
> the NIC appears to hang.  If you email that to me I can attach
> it to the bug.
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