well today im back to karmic amd64 cuz well osol for me at personal level is 
unusable, for server so far is pretty nice. i think ill try again when 2010 is 
stable but osol have very critical issues in my opinion that need to be fixed 
to be at least able to handle a non Sun guru users at desktop lvl. so here is 
the summary

things to be adressed:
1. well osol basically dont come with any software usable for desktops, dunno 
mplayer, inkscape, a recent gimp build with plugins, etc. im a C++ dev anyway 
so i decided to compile every software i need from the scratch but well read 

2. issue: in osol there is a serious compiler issue with C++ including 
sunstudio 12u1 and express, aka basically everything that need C++ fails to 
compile one way or the other, for example libboost always fail with iropt or 
ccfe or ld crashes, in some cases there are symbols missing in ld.so.1 like 
_checkstack or something like that. some of this issues are fixed in sun 
patches but osol dont update to those and patchadd was removed so is kinda nice 
:( but anyway i found i way to manually install those patches wich helped a bit 
removing several crashes from iropt and ccfe but i couldnt find a solution for 
the bugged ld.so.1 so no hope for me with sun studio and C++ sadly, well gcc 
time then basically it works but it feels unstable like sometimes make fails 
and make for second time compiles fine.

solution: patch more often sunstudio, try gcc 4.4 at least and well try to 
build libboost(0.40 plz) cuz is one of the nastier c++ code around easy to get, 
i dare to say that if sunstudio can compile it well it can be considered stable 
for most codes, or well use another compiler like pgi or the one from amd

3.issue:osol after boot is fast enough, not linux fast. but ppl you really need 
to do something with that boot process, 2m in a quad c...@3.7ghz with 8gb ram 
just lol but the weird thing is that i assume that svc been based in xml should 
handle boot faster that ultra scripted systems like sysv or at least should be 
easier to readahead or something like that

solution: implement readahead, some sort of paralell boot improvement, raise 
gdm when svc meat the most minimal dependencies.

4. sound and video well need more work i think, in the video side intel works 
but depending the build can get real nasty, nvidia seems to work very nice, amd 
no fragging way in hell yet. sound well very poor at best at least from my 
audiophile point of view.

solutions: well in the case of video drivers i know is hard work the dri/drm 
migration from linux so not big deal here, about sound like i said before 
migrate alsa to osol, aka better driver, full software compatibility, sound 
quality, mmm i dare to say that audio quality (aka fidelity, latency, rt, etc) 
is really near to mac os x leopard, some guy mention bsd sound system but i 
tested it with a friend in a studio (freebsd 8 btw) and well for basic mp3 
music and stuff is just fine but for real audio application at profesional 
level or audiophile lvl is very far from mac or alsa especially with very high 
bitrate and digital ouputs and well dont talk about ac3 passthrough or 
multichannel audio

4. package system: it horrible like i said before, even ips is like a kick in 
the nuts, really wanna save some time just compile from sources and get patches 
from nexenta. ips will just consume you life
solution: apt i wont say anything else

nice things:
1. wifi is awesome, at least my intel and atheros card, lol even wpa2 is superb 
so kudos here
2. zfs pure awesomeness
3. ip stack well the best, well obviously for a server plataform
4. rock stable
5. xvm + crossbow is da shit, so big kudos here too
6. svc is a nice concept but is too slow for now, so nice work but speed it up
7. drm is nice when it works ofc, but so far seems promising just mmm update 
Xorg/mesa a bit when you can, maybe xcb too

thx for the hard work, ill be back testing in some time
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