Rugrat wrote:
>There are several threads on on building a NAS box.
>A quick scan shows this blog:
Yes, I've read that one; also the several others in other places on the web 
which have blogs about building similar stuff. I've read many of those as well.

However, many of them are also as vaque about what runs. Notice from this blog:
"The other thing I found was a recently retired W2100Z workstation"
It's actually a good illustration of my point. I actually don't happen to have 
a retired W2100Z workstation, and I'm not sure that I want to trust the data 
integrity of retired hardware. 

I guess, put another way, I'd happily pay extra (as well as paying the brain 
time to learn opensolaris' quirks and operation) to get it set up. The web is 
full of "I used a batch of old hardware and it worked kinda, but this and that 
didn't work..."

If my personal life was such that I spent 8-10 hours a day managing servers, I 
might feel more solid about simply cobbling together an assortment of parts 
from an assortment of corpses (as I do for linux and windows machines) but this 
is another objective, and I don't feel that the side effects of my daily 
experience is enough to answer the questions sufficiently. 

So, as I said... I think a reference design or two would be a Very Positive 
Thing for the opensolaris and zfs community.
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