> I totally agree with you, but as this is a community
> project, it requires someone in the community to step
> up and do it.  
Yeah, I know. I've worked with network volunteer efforts before. There are 
quite reasonable limitations on what you can expect. ... 8-) I have gotten over
my frustration a bit. 

> It sounds like you should volunteer to
> lead this effort, and I applaud your efforts.  If
I would do that, and probably would simply have jumped in if I were not one of 
of the apparently few people still employed in the USA these days. Wanting to 
keep up the luxuries I've become accustomed to - eating and living indoors - 
keeps on interfering with what I'd like to be doing. 8-)

> nothing else, you may want to cobble together the
> information scattered throughout the mailing list
> discussions on this topic, and break them down based
> upon goals (low power, performance, etc.)
I'll post what I run into, and have started doing that. I may be able to do some
kind of matrix setup. I feel completely inadequate to any of this because I'm 
NOT one of the people who could say off the top of my head "Oh, that chipset?
that won't work because the driver does..."

I do very much appreciate even the casual comments from people who are, 

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