> How does this relate to opensolaris at all?
> If Outlook/Entourage or office applications are a
> requirement for your organization, then your only
> choices are Windows and Mac OSX.  No linux or
> solaris.  Although you can use some products that try
> to duplicate the functionality of Outlook / Office,
> they're not the same, and you will encounter some
> "differences" which may be called "problems" in some
> cases.

I disagree with the above. With the availability of OpenOffice, Firefox and 
Thunderbird, there is no need for Windows, and its a lot less expensive. True, 
there might be a learning curve, and the old fogies might gripe about the 
change (I'm 63 and didn't gripe a bit) but the apps work great and fill the 
bill. Personally, I would stay with Solaris or OpenSolaris but the advice about 
a consultant should be closely considered.

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