> It already *has* market share. Think of all the Solaris 10 deployments 
> (from which OpenSolaris was initially started from). Not to mention the 
> people 
> (like Joyent) who are running OpenSolaris *today* in *production*.

No, this is very much incorrect. Joyent does not run "OpenSolaris Indiana" in 
production, they run "Solaris Express" in production. There is a big 
difference! Go to the link below for Ben Rockwood's opinion on OpenSolaris 


pay special attention to the part where he says:

"OpenSolaris (meaning, Indiana) is a fabulous desktop/laptop distribution, but 
it is a horrific excuse for a server OS. I've warned against this for years. 
Sun has really focused on the laptop experience in order to whoo Linux users 
over to OpenSolaris, but all the while Linux users have been abandoning their 
PC/Linux laptops for Mac's. We fought the wrong fight.....My long held opinion 
is that SX:CE shouldn't be killed, but instead it should become Solaris 11. 
OpenSolaris can continue to do its thing for desktop users, but give enterprise 
environments what they need to continue using the platform. One day, I hope, 
all the kinks and immaturity will be worked out of the new distribution, but it 
hasn't happened yet, not by a long shot. I've held to a delusion that it wasn't 
a big concern, really, because Oracle would come in and slap some sense into 
the roadmap, but no signs have yet suggested that to be the case. We can only 
hope that by year end something pans out.

My message to the powers that be at Sun... I love ya, I love Solaris, but don't 
take this from us. Please, please just don't."
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