I tried to upgrade from the official build 111b to the dev repo (131) on my 
SunFire v20z.  The result is that after I log in, it reboots the machine.  
Rarely it gets as far as briefly displaying my desktop, but most of the time it 
reboots immediately.  The v20z is pretty much stock with the exception of the 
additional marvel 8-port sata controller board.

Some of the drive behind this is that my 5 disk raid-z stack fails scrub 
checksums in a random manner on any of the 5 disks.  It was rock solid under 
SXCE, but ever since I installed OSOL, it's been giving me problems.  I 
replaced cables, reseated boards, swapped drives, reoriented the case, but 
nothing seems to change the behavior.  Since it happens randomly on on any 
disk, I would doubt that all 5 disks suddenly failed.

I've ordered another case for the drives, just to rule out the power supply, 
but I'd also like to check this in another version of OSOL just in case I'm 
hitting a bug that's been fixed.  I've tried upgrading several times, but 
failed for various reasons.

I tried recently with 131.  First I removed all packages from the contrib 
package because they had caused me issues in previous upgrades and the upgrade 
seemed run without complaint.  However, booting into 131 does a hard reboot 
right after I login.

What steps should I do to track down what's going on?
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