Hi there to all, dear friends!

I`m new to OpenSolaris, and in the last 2 years I left Windows and tried 
several Linux distributions. At the moment I`m using openSUSE 11.3 and I love 
it, but... something`s missing... I didn`t found the perfect OS... yet...

Came to know about OpenSolaris... I installed it, but everything seems to be 
hard... the sound does not work.. cannot find any new updates... I used 
OpenSolaris 2009.06

But the reason I`m opening this thread is to ask which are the reasons for 
using OpenSolaris, and what OpenSolaris offers for a everyday desktop user that 
Linux or Windows does not offer... I enjoy OpenSolaris... but everything seems 
to be so difficult for me to do (install programs for example). I really want 
to know all the benefits it is offering, and if there is a reason to pass all 
this difficulties...

Please give me some reason, and I`ll use OpenSolaris, I`ll learn how works and 
I`ll spread the word about it here in my country.

Thank you so so much!!! Greatly appreciate it!
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