On 04/01/10 14:17, Harry Putnam wrote:
Marion Hakanson<hakan...@ohsu.edu>  writes:

shawn.wal...@oracle.com said:
Have you checked the output of "prtdiag" and "prtconf -v" ?

Also "smbios", and "scanpci" (in /usr/bin/X11/ on Solaris-10).


I think most or maybe all that same info is available buy running the
program `Device Driver Utility'. However see below for what happens

Does anyone know the keyboard command to run the:

    Device Driver Utility

Either in the Application/System menu or in some install media there
is an icon left for `Device Driver Utility' left on the desktop.

When I try to run it from Applications/System menu I get an icon in
the taskbar saying `Device Driver Utility' is starting, but then it
never appears, and after 30 seconds or so the icon in taskbar
disappears but still never see the interface.

So how can I start it from the cmdline?

ddu as root...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders                  Solaris Kernel Performance
bart.smaald...@oracle.com       http://blogs.sun.com/barts
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