hello all,
on os20xx.xx, b134, i have a problem with publishers. I want to add one and it fails:
$ pfexec pkg set-publisher -O http://ips.enst.fr:10000 ips.enst.fr
pkg set-publisher:
One or more of the repository origin(s) listed below contains package data for localhost; not ips.enst.fr:


This is either because one of the repository origins is not valid for this publisher, or because the list of known publishers retrieved from the repository origin does not match the client.

i don't understand why it talks about "localhost"?
i have:
$ pkg publisher
PUBLISHER                             TYPE     STATUS   URI
opensolaris.org (preferred) origin online http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/ opensolaris.org (preferred) mirror online http://pkg-na-2.opensolaris.org/dev/ contrib origin online http://pkg.opensolaris.org/contrib/ extra origin online https://pkg.sun.com/opensolaris/extra/ homeunix origin online http://ips.homeunix.com:10906/ larchev (disabled) origin online http://ips.distrans.org/

Where is "localhost" ? and yes, on this laptop, i created a local repository, and have a local depot server. But it runs on port 9999.
I'm very confused.

Thanks in advance for help,

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