On 04/ 7/10 01:52 PM, solarg wrote:

but that's not exactly what i want to do. On my laptop, i created, weeks ago, my own repo, called localhost. This is when i compile myself missing apps.
But now, i want to add a new publisher, found here:

and i'm not able to succeed, i don't understand why? is it possible that the publisher's owner has misnamed his depot?

I was able to add it using the GUI. The second entry from the bottom. I even added one package (blender) from there.

bash-4.0$ pkg -publisher
pkg: illegal global option -- p
Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information.
bash-4.0$ pkg publisher
PUBLISHER                             TYPE     STATUS   URI
opensolaris.org (preferred) origin online http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/ Opensolaris-Contrib origin online http://pkg.opensolaris.org/contrib/ Extras origin online https://pkg.sun.com/opensolaris/extra/ Multimedia origin online http://opensolaris.homeunix.com:10906/ Sunfreeware origin online http://pkg.sunfreeware.com:9000/ Blastwave (disabled) origin online http://blastwave.network.com:10000/ pending.opensolaris.org origin online http://jucr.opensolaris.org/pending/ KDE origin online http://solaris.bionicmutton.org:10000/ localhost origin online http://ips.enst.fr:10000/ kdeips-dev origin online http://solaris.bionicmutton.org:10004/

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