On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:33 PM, john kroll <jek0...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Could you better explain the tie-ends of nexenta OS to open-solaris kernel ?? 
> I get that the OS turns into ubuntu and for a client gui service its hard to 
> beat. Also with apt-get servers it can immediately acquire kde software. Not 
> sure if or how blastwave might figure into this ??
> --

Nexenta Core Platform (http://www.nexenta.org) is targeted at servers.
It combines OpenSolaris kernel with Ubuntu (or GNU) userland. It also
uses apt/dpkg as the packaging system. A Ubuntu/debian user will feel
at home with NCP, and will be able to use all of the advanced
capabilities of OpenSolaris.

Some KDE packages are present in the repository, but not yet in a
state that can be deployed as a desktop. You can however setup XFCE,
or minimal GNOME on NCP. More information on the website.

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