Some of the distribution creators tend to specialize in certain areas very 
similar to the variants of Ubuntu like Edubuntu, Kubuntu, and even Mythbuntu.

For OpenSolaris, Korona is very similar to Kubuntu. I worked on MythTV porting 
to OpenSolaris but now you have MythDora (Fedora/MythTV-based) and Mythbuntu. 
For NAS projects, you have EON and PulsarOS (PulsarOS is now Linux-based which 
either focused on FreeNAS/OpenMediaVault or CIFS/Samba solutions. For advanced 
storage and storage management, you have Nexenta. Now don't confuse the Pulsar 
project with PulsarOS. Project Pulsar was OpenSolaris porting to the PowerPC 
platform. PulsarOS is based on OpenFiler/FreeNAS/SAN-type solutions.

Various OpenSolaris distributions explored various filesystems like BTRFS/GFS 
and package management solutions like Conary, apt-get, Pacman, Source 
Juicer/Package Factory/IPS, pkg-get/pkgutil, and many other concepts. You also 
have variant packaging tools using p7zip, tar/gzip/bzip2, and dpkg/RPM. 

Why a developer, like Thomas Brandstetter over at PulsarOS, found it hard to 
support OpenSolaris in certain cases:


"1.) Opensolaris is a dependency hell. You can't create a proper core system, 
without getting into serious trouble.
2.) Opensolaris isn't full open source. (There are still some binaries, drivers 
and libraries that are closed source)
3.) Lack of many device drivers.
4.) No power management features for embedded boards (like VIA)."

So at the deepest level, understand that the OpenSolaris kernel is just an 
that can be placed in various 'black box' solutions and distributions. It may 
not fit every solution or business case. Yet, it can do many things better than 
some of the existing 'free' kernels out there providing a well funded and 
high-end engineering pool of resources to support it. Making a great 
OpenSolaris distribution really is in the hands of the creators - as the 
OpenSolaris kernel is only a small piece of the larger solutions at hand.

~ Ken Mays
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