On 22.04.2010 02:27, Alan Hargreaves wrote:
> You miss the point. This is a discussion list about OpenSolaris. Not
> about a Microsoft Office Plugins. Not about Solaris. Not about Solaris
> patches. The only reason to post this stuff (even without comment) would
> be to sow FUD or dissention.

Or to make people aware of a quite disturbing pattern.

Like many here, I have high hopes for OpenSolaris remaining the
absolutely best alternative out there for many tasks, but the pattern of
changes Oracle are making is rather disturbing. Especially combined with
the total lack of communication skills.

<joke alert>
Given their communication skills, I'd be worried about networking
software from them...
</joke alert>

> Quite honestly I'm getting sick of seeing it.

Then forward the worrying upwards in the system you now are part of, and
let the managers sort things out (usually by escalating it to someone
who actually have the authority to do something about the actual
problem: Lack of communications).

Killing the conversation isn't the solution.

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