On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 5:04 AM, Richard L. Hamilton <rlha...@smart.net> wrote:
>> On 22/04/2010 11:11, Svein Skogen wrote:
>> > On 22.04.2010 02:27, Alan Hargreaves wrote:
>> >> You miss the point. This is a discussion list
>> about OpenSolaris. Not
>> >> about a Microsoft Office Plugins. Not about
>> Solaris. Not about Solaris
>> >> patches. The only reason to post this stuff (even
>> without comment) would
>> >> be to sow FUD or dissention.
>> >
>> > Or to make people aware of a quite disturbing
>> pattern.
>> The only pattern I can see so far is that Oracle are
>> starting to charge
>> for some things that sufficient people are willing to
>> pay for (which is
>> something that Sun wasn't very good at), whilst
>> keeping some other
>> things available for free.
>> Cheeri,
>> Calum.
> Surely "sufficient people" exist that would pay for low-end support
> (sunsolve+patches only, or sunsolve+access to a repo with bug fixes, for 
> OpenSolaris)
> that otherwise might simply do without, or go elsewhere.
> Staying profitable is important.  But just because big customers can afford
> to drop big bucks, doesn't mean that small customers (home users, home
> businesses, students, etc) might not also be willing to spend what they 
> reasonably
> can for a relatively modest (little direct consumption of man-hours) level of 
> support.
> I just don't see the profit in not taking the little guys' money too; surely 
> it adds up...

Agreed! Ignoring medium sized to small customers had already been Sun's mistake.
Wasn't Oracle going to fix Sun's errors?

How? By repeating the old errors, but this time with 20times increased


* behaviour and action (or lack of action) "down to" the community
* lack of symmetric communication
* only picking the Fortune500's as single isolated targetted market?

The latter broke Sun its neck, when exactly that single market
imploded over night, during the recession

Ok Oracle, of course you still have 5 years until the next downturn comes    ...
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