hedr...@rutgers.edu said:
> I'm confused. I tried to find this posting at opensolaris.org, but it doesn't
> seem to be there. 

I'm on the email list, sent this posting out via email.  It probably
had not trickled through all the layers back to the forum.

> I understand that Oracle needs to make  money from Sun, but I think changing
> Solaris from an OS that will run on many vendors' hardware to one that is the
> equivalent of HP-UX changes the game. People already spoke of Solaris is
> irrelevant. I think they're wrong, but this change is enough that I doubt
> there will be many advocates left. 

I agree completely.  Their only hope of keeping our research/education
business is by being competitive on price.  I have told our sales people
that 90% of our Sun equipment purchases in the past 4-5 years have been
from either their Education Essentials price list, or the similar Matching
Grant program.

That plus the fact that there's no SunSolve-only support option (so far)
are just more nails in the coffin.  Seems short-sighted to me, because
our low-end hardware research customers don't stay just at the low end.
Sometimes they go out and buy a $30,000 X4600 server with a metal-level
support contract.  Or maybe a petabyte of storage for that gene sequencer
or high-resolution MRI that just came online.

Oh, and to make this OpenSolaris-relevant:  I heard back from one of
our Oracle Sales contacts that indeed OpenSolaris is in the same boat:
it will not be possible to buy the Premium Support for Operating Systems
for OpenSolaris running on non-Oracle/Sun hardware.



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