They did indeed, back in the days of Solaris 2.6. Their client is Sparc only 

The thing is you don't necessarily need client software to implement a VPN using
Cisco gear. I myself, am currently implementing a very small scale VPN
(L2TP over IPsec, LAC initiated dialin remote access) and the only "client"
software I've needed so far is OpenSolaris's PPPoE client. Even that part may
be removed from the equation at some point in the future.

OpenVPN under Solaris might work for you, _if_ you're willing to finish the 
I've tried that avenue first, despite the fact that you can only transport TCP 
over it
and I ended up buying a Cisco ISR, so that I could go the IPsec route without 
much trouble.

There's also vpnc ( I haven't tried 
but it seems that development/maintenance of that project stopped several years 

While researching this topic, I also came across
I didn't investigate on this any further.

Best of luck with your project.


PS: It works much better when you have identified exactly what kind of traffic 
needs to
       be protected and _where_!
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