On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 8:43 AM, John Plocher <john.ploc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Re: http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=129430&tstart=15
> As Dennis said, "We are in a situation after some five years of the
> OpenSolaris community where one can not simply download sources and build
> something runnable. We can not even bootstrap the kernel without special
> corporate internal knowledge and resources. There are still large numbers of
> closed bins, trap doors and secret hallways just to build the current
> OpenSolaris code base."

That´s not an accurate description.
His text proves a few things. Namely that somebody turns things up and down.
Ian Murdock was a short flash of light? The kernels are not
bootable??? What??????

Ok, join that effort, lol .

> This is an invitation for y'all to come on over to the Distribution
> community and join us as we brainstorm and code a real, community driven
> distro into existence.  Joerg and Moinak are already there, plotting how
> they can start by leveraging each other's build procedures and associated
> source code to allow anyone to easily clone the ON sources from
> OpenSolaris.org and build a kernel that boots to a shell prompt.
> Once we get to that point, we'll take another step towards removing barriers
> and enabling community participation.  And another.  A bunch of little
> steps, maybe, but they all add up.
> Join us!
>   -John Plocher
>    Less talk, more code!

IMO this was already too much talk.

Everybody can join one of the existing distros, such as BeleniX or MilaX.
Recommended: Certain parties should just start reading those websites
and associated Blogs first, for the first time!

And btw: Everybody can just contribute to existing Sun/Oracle repo
gates, such as caiman (led by the very community-involvement
openminded David Miner).

Why starting this entire ^Dennis needs to lead a new reference^ distro talk?
Starting it on the general opensolaris-discuss alias will end up in an
endless loop of flames.

I rather escape before it gets hot here.
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