Duncan Groenewald
<dagroenew...@optusnet.com.au> writes:

> The NFS share is already set up and works fine from my Macbook, just
> not from the Windows PC.  But the the Macbook is running UNIX and
> the user ID is the same as the user id on the opensolaris server.

I think you were on the right track wondering if smb would not be
better.  It is after all the native protocol to windows.

But that doesn't mean you need to stop using nfs.  Far as I know the
share can have both turned on... I have that setup in several places.

I recommend you zfs set smbshare=on file/system
                zfs set smbshare=name=somecoolname file/system

Then somecoolname will be what windows sees and uses.

You do need to start the smb server of course.

If things are setup ok then `svcadm enable -r smb/server'

You may need to join a work group too.  Maybe someone else can supply
that info, its been so long ago that I did that I've forgotten the
required commands.

Once these things are done I'd recommend you use a tried and tested
chmod command that has ben mentioned on these forums many times as a
way to cure windows to solaris server problems.

  (Note it is `/bin/chmod' in case solaris native chmod is not first
   in your path... gnu chmod doesn't now anything about this command)

 /bin/chmod -R A=everyone@:full_set:fd:allow /file/system/containing/share 

Once that is done then let windows do the rest, like creating
directories or whatever.

Before actually doing any of the above, you may want to verify its not
going to cause some kind of mess.  My usage is strictly homeboy home
lan so any problems are not going to effect anyone else but me.. if
that isn't true in your case... please verify the above procedure.

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