I'm aware of the 'GPL situation'. As stated in my previous post yesterday, 

"Apparently, as much as I like using OpenSolaris, without the ability to 
completely change the GPL components to where they're dwindled to simply 
coreutils and a LILO bootloader or something miniature in respect to the whole 
of the OS..."

It would be impossible to take out core components, but I believe avoiding 
using the GPL can be helped. I'm aware a total 100% is impossible, but a 80-85% 
non-GPL open source system I think is more realistic. Even Haiku under the MIT 
uses coreutils, and OS X uses at least nano under its Unix subsystem--so it's 
not [i]totally[/i] BSD. 
OK.... Getting back to the post. After looking through Google, Win4Solaris 
seems to be the best solution over VirtualBox or JPC. I remembered the icon, 
but not the name. I merely started this discussion because I couldn't remember 
the name 'VirtualBox'. :-D Honestly, I had no idea it was GPLed--until seeing 
the webpage, I thought it was under a proprietary license.

Once again, (for the third time!), thanks for the quick and accurate 
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