On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 1:42 AM, Nikola M <minik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And who exactly you think could sue an free software projects and over
> what issue?

Take a look at the last 6 years of legal drama in the
Jacobsen-v-Katzer JMRI open source case which has set the first legal
precedent involving the validity of open source licenses.  Along the
way, the open source project lead had to double mortgage his house and
has hundreds of thousand's of dollars in legal bills...


If you weren't following the details, you probably have a wildly naive
and incorrect view of how open source licenses, copyright and the law
interact - I know I did.

Things like the judge saying "damages are 'cost times volume of
infractions', and free software costs ZERO, so you don't have a case"
- and having to go to the federal appeals court to get that view
changed,  claims and counter claims of copyright infringement, etc all
make the legal system something that is foreign and unnatural for
engineers - law doesn't work at all like physics.

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