The more user friendly the basic tasks for users , deployers and admins, the 
more easier for us to convince managers and customers to buy opensolaris  
/solaris support contracts (read ktrumbul's msg). Userfriendliness acts as 
carrot and stick, acts as brand or popularity. 

ISV starts developing some more apps, once there is market share like 
ubuntu/fedora/mac. I agree with niche things. It is ok to implement these  two 
or three things for desktop can wait some more time. Many windows users use non 
windows apps rather than windows equivalents. 

Kevin Trumbull's certification issue (I know there are solaris 
certifications)also another very important thing. These certified people 
increase as more people and businesses use solaris/opensolaris.

You should have understood the fruits of monopoly in terms of money. We are 
requesting only bare minimum desktop functionality, not any advanced desktop 
features. Even most thin clients ultimately provide access to same windows 
based desktop / development server machines. Mac costs double the windows 
because of the same user friendliness. 

Coming to the cost thing, many people will buy them if the reach is more. That 
is, when many games and ed cds/dvds are available in all stores all over the 
world, none of the free unix based operating system cds/dvds(including ubuntu) 
are available in the same stores. I(and so are many people out there) can buy 
full/upgrade osol/solaris cd every year at 10 to 15USD (For 7years, it will be 
70 to 105USD, almost same as win home basic ed upgrade), if it is available in 
few stores of my city or available through amazon/ebay(This is the same problem 
with all free unix oses. Reach to masses is main problem for many unix based 
operating systems.).  Neither many users use paypal nor unix oses' people open 
a new bank ac for donations in atleast developed and some developing nations. 
Spending small amounts a year is better viewed/accepted than spending large 
amount at once. I think ubuntu can easily gain more share rapidly if the reach 
is improved. Cost related things are just my thoug
 hts / ideas on that subject only. 

If the operating system and support contract costs are competitive for masses 
and small-medium enterprises , solaris will gain market share. User diversity 
pays you in bad times also. Many people just wants to do basic desktop things 
with computers, not any advanced things like firewire, syncing ipad/iphone, 

We didn't use any unix machine as development server for the last 10-12 years. 
Large majority of corporate developers use windows as their development 
servers, even if the production server is unix based. Recompiling apps is way 
beyond normal non-unix developers,deployers and admins.
All we are requesting is to port bare minimum desktop apps, without the hassle 
of recompiling and complex web of dependencies.  Thanks kevin and milan for at 
least stressing the basic friendliness.
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