Am 23.06.2010 09:35, schrieb Kevin Trumbull:

To build an industry you have to make things that morons can operate
after making a "step a, step b, step c" list, because an industry
_requires_ more people than there are intelligent/knowledgeable
people to do the work. From this perspective, Oracle's purchase of
Sun is an incredible value since it gives Oracle the ability to ship
something that is more of a database appliance; which has been
preconfigured by experts which works properly when it arrives on
premises. Idiot IT people can ruin your reputation with a customer
due to no fault of yours.  How complicated your product is to operate
will determine the size of your market.
Good point. Small shops by appliances (MS stuff mostly), large shops (SaaS provider) can afford the know-how inhouse and run linux ;)


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