[Changing subject and moving to xwin-discuss as we rathole on this tangent.]

Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> I could swear I'd heard long ago of an experimental multi-threaded
> X server, but I don't recall whatever became of it. 

I've got the research paper somewhere, but I believe the results are
pretty much as described - it got slower because it added the overhead
of everything waiting on the lock to the frame buffer.

Now, that was almost 2 decades ago, and technology has progressed, and
there are some places threading may make sense.   For instance the Sun
SPARC OpenGL would use a thread per graphics device in Xinerama mode, since
those wouldn't be contending for the same hardware lock.   Similar would
probably make sense for other drawing operations on multihead systems.
We actually have a few threads running in the OpenSolaris version of Xorg
today, performing very limited tasks that don't interact directly with the
main server thread.

But retrofitting a 25-year old multi-million line code base to be completely
thread-safe, much less thread-hot, is not a small task.  And since we already
have GPU's that run 128 or 256 operations in parallel without adding
any threads to the core server, it's not clear what the effects would be.

That's not to say X is ignoring the multi-core revolution completely.
The XCB API that's slowly replacing Xlib as the base of the client side of
the graphics stack was designed from the ground up for much better
concurrency support, as well as much more flexible latency handling.

For instance, I recently tackled porting xwininfo from libX11 to libxcb,
and after artificially introducing latency via ssh -X from California to
Beijing and back, got a little over a 10x performance improvement, simply
because the xcb API let me choose when to wait for the answers to my queries,
instead of Xlib blocking for a synchronous reply to each one, so I could send
off a whole batch at once and wait for the answers to come in as I was ready
for them:

Xlib:   0.03u 0.02s 8:19.12 0.0%
xcb:    0.00u 0.00s 0:45.26 0.0%

 (from http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xcb/2010-June/006111.html )

Of course, xwininfo is very much a corner case of an X application, since
all it does is request a ton of info from the X server, process it, print
some and request some more - while most X applications spend the bulk of
their time not waiting for the X server to respond but for something else
(the user to make input, a remote web server to provide http data, your
 local javascript interpreter to run the downloaded code, etc.).

        -Alan Coopersmith-        alan.coopersm...@oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System

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