mongaron wrote:
i have created an additional loopback interface for denying ARP reply for a 
certain ip, here are the commands i have run:

ifconfig lo0:1 plumb
ifconfig lo0:1 x.x.x.x -arp netmask up

secondly i need to make it permanent , so i tried the following to insert into the /etc/hostname.lo:1 but without any success after rebooting

plumb x.x.x.x -arp netmask up

can anybody tell me what is the right syntax?

thanks in advanced

Some points:

1) Your text above is missing a zero after 'lo' in the filename - /etc/hostname.lo0:1 should work fine. 2) You're using the single-line form of hostname.* file, so "netmask + broadcast + up" will automatically be added, which may have a bearing on things... 3) You don't need the "plumb" keyword. Presence of the file is enough to get the interface plumbed. 4) You don't define "without success". Did you get errors on the console? Anything in /var/svc/log/network-physical:default.log or /etc/svc/volatile/network-physical:default.log relating to lo0:1 ?
   5) Which OS release and build / patch level are you using?
6) As other relies have noted - this may not be the best way to achieve what you are after. What problem are you trying to avoid?
   7) Are you running a zone with the same IP address as x.x.x.x ?

When I test your hostname.lo0:1 file on Solaris 10 update 8, it works as expected (as far as I can tell).


Brian Ruthven
Solaris Network RPE (Sustaining)
Oracle UK

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