> > Well, I don't care much about GUI management systems, I care about scripts.
> I know, like I do, but sadly... VMware is sold, because it has a marvelous
> GUI, not because of its technical superiority.. ;-)

Sad but true.

> For small and midsize, you can use VBox, less resource-overhead! Did you ever
> try to run at least ONE DomU with a Dom0 on 2GB RAM? Doesn't work! In VBox, I
> can have at least 3 guests, all in paralell on the same RAM... ;-) Depends, on
> how you define small and medium... ;-) And, still, OVM is free... ;-)

I still prefer Xen over VirtualBox for servers.  VirtualBox is great on
my MacBookPro. :-)

> > Now that there are rumours that Bryan Cantrill has
> > left Oracle, the future development of dtrace is not clear, anyway.
> Read his blog, he left! BUT: He named his NEW Blog dtrace.org... ;-) Noone out
> here currently knows, what he's up to...;-)

Time will tell.

 > Hmmm... what keeps Oracle from providing images for Xen?
> Nothing, they are there, and are called "templates"... ;-) You can download
> "templates" (aka, ready to run images of OS+Apps) for OVM, so, all's preset,
> and Bob's your uncle... ;-)

Indeed.  The question was more or less rethoric.
> > What about Sun xVM Ops Center or whatever it was called?
> xVM Server for x86.. Never been a product... Even during Sun days, management
> decided, it's easier to have the management OUTSIDE the product... So, noew
> you can use OVM Manager, or possibly somewhen in the future, Oracle Enterprise
> Manager Ops Center... As that already does manage Zones/Containers and
> lDoms...

Yes, that's what I meant, not xVM Server.  Your point was about GUI.

> There were 3 Xen-based solutions inside Oracle. OVM, OpenSolaris based xVM
> hypervisor, and the third, I always forget the name of... That third had been
> bought for the Management-GUI, AFAIK... Let's make ONE implementation good,
> and not three... Waste of engineering resources, I guess... ;-)

That's fine if it provides all the technical features we have come to expect.

> I didn't decide, I don't know, who decided, and why and on what grounds. I
> only saw the result of the decision... And try to reason something into it,
> so, standard disclaimer: This is all my interpretation... ;-)

Of course!

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt                  Consulting and Support for Sun Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH                   WWW: http://www.bb-c.de/
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim                     Email: v...@bb-c.de
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513              Schuhgröße: 45
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