This is getting to the point that I'm even starting to feel the pattern here,
and I'm not one to proclaim bad news quickly.

Since then, a couple of the names the poster speculated about have moved on.

It's hard not to wonder if there aren't some policy issues with the new owners
causing such an just maybe their attitude toward communication
and/or OpenSolaris.  Or maybe those merely reflect some other attitude;
I suspect that if they treat actual or potential customers that way, they
may have some problem listening to mere engineers, too.  (as opposed
to parasites like MBAs maybe?)

It's hard not to wonder if Larry still has a clue. (One must assume he
did, once, or he wouldn't be where he is...)

OTOH, this may be good for independent distros, since there's now plenty
of talent no longer working for Oracle.

But I just don't see the logic in the formula: alienate some major talent,
and break community relationships in such a way as to provide an
opportunity for that talent elsewhere.  Hard to imagine how to screw
that up worse, except by adding the Google lawsuit for good measure
(whether it really relates, and even if it's justified, it sure adds to the
negative image).  What was that political slogan a few years back...
"a rising tide lifts all boats"?  _That's_ how to profit these days, not
by going back on one's word (i.e. no 2010 OpenSolaris release).
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