You (Constantin Gonzalez) wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
>> now that OpenSolaris as a distribution is dead, it might be getting time to
>> move on. Question: which one of the distributions based on the Solaris
>> kernel comes closest to Indiana, i.e. contains as much as legally possible
>> from the 'official' Solaris world while still being open source? I mean,
>> ZFS, zones, Xvm/Xen, IPS, self healing, automated installation, you name
>> it.
> That's Solaris 11. As John Fowler said, it will become available later this
> year as a preview release.
> Assuming that you're currently using OpenSolaris 2009.06 or a later build,
> you're enjoying a preview of Solaris 11 already.
> Nobody from Oracle said Solaris 11 won't be open source, so that should
> satisfy all of your requirements above.
>> What I definitely do not want is the Solaris kernel under the hood of a
>> Linux distribution. *yuck*
> No need for that.
> Just give Oracle some more time to explain themselves.
> And watching Oracle's communications around Oracle Open World is always a
> good idea.
> Hope this helps,
>    Constantin

And to add to what my colleague Constantin said:

If the leaked email is to be believed, there also will be the Open Source
part, so I disagree to what Erik wrote here...

So, the "only" significant changes so far known are:

- No more Open Development (that's why the OGB dissolved itself)
- Open Source ONLY AFTER the corresponding binary distribution
- Name Change for the binary distribution: OpenSolaris in now called Solaris 11

Hope this clarifies a bit...

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER      | Sysadmins are highly paid
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