On 02/09/2010 16:25, Ali Bahrami wrote:
I've just been trying this, and it all went without a hitch up to the point where you're supposed to reboot into 145. I have no errors, and I'm in the new boot environment:

os-devel_145 NR / 86.05G static 2010-09-02 11:42

but uname still says snv_134, which doesn't sound right to me. I'm going to continue with the code download and build, but I'm suspicious now.
Okay, sorry to reply to myself, but I think this is terminal. `dmake setup' fails with

ld: fatal: .../illumos-gate/usr/src/common/mapfiles/common/map.noexstk: 31: expected a `=', `:', `|', or `@'
*** Error code 1
dmake: Fatal error: Command failed for target `cw'

The necessary support for the new mapfiles integrated in snv_135. It does
look like your build system is still at 134.

Yup, this is one area I think IPS needs some work. By default it tells you nothing (only "nothing to do" type messages), with -v it gives you pages and pages of messages about things that are just fine, with error messages buried in the noise. There should be something in between.

A second attempt to do by hand what onu does, but with some -v's thrown in revealed that the package system/zones/brand/lx threw up an "incompatible" error. Trying to uninstall this reported that slim_install depended on it. So adding in

pfexec pkg uninstall -v slim_install
pfexec pkg uninstall -v system/zones/brand/lx

before running onu got me going.
I am now the proud owner of two Ilumos systems. I had to do this on both machines.

I hope this helps others out there. Can we get the build document (http://illumos.org/projects/illumos-gate/wiki/How_To_Build_illumos) updated ?


E-Mail: rob.mcma...@warwick.ac.uk               PHONE:  +44 24 7652 3037
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