
I really think people like you are reading too much into the license and over 
reacting. So Oracle is going to give Solaris, Solaris Express, etc away for 
for non-Production use. They say things like it's free for development, 
etc. Why is this not flexible enough? Hell, just say you're writing a script or 
compiling stuff. Do you really think Oracle has time to chase after every 
copy out there??? I mean come on! You're over reacting like tin-foil hat 
paranoid freaktards!

The bottom line is that Oracle wants people to pay if they are using it for 
PRODUCTION USE! Will they expect people to pay for updates? I have no doubt 
they'll charge support contacts for people who will want daily IPS depot 
updates. What's wrong with that? Is that any different from RHEL or AIX? Just 
because they don't specifically list using it as a desktop, home media server, 
or a toaster, doesn't mean they are after you for money or going to take you to 
court. I think some people are taking this license too literally, and that's 
just plain stupid. I've read it enough times to say I see nothing wrong with 
SA's, developers, testers, enthusiasts using it. So what's the big deal???

Octave J. Orgeron
Solaris Virtualization Architect and Consultant
Web: http://unixconsole.blogspot.com
E-Mail: unixcons...@yahoo.com

----- Original Message ----
From: Daniel Kjar <kjard...@yahoo.com>
To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
Sent: Sat, September 11, 2010 7:37:52 PM
Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris 10,Oracle Solaris Express new license

To give you an idea of how self destructive this is, I am now moving all of my 
operations to ubuntu (not my opensolaris desktop/file server though!).  Today I 
was able to get my sunrays running on 9.10 and tomorrow I will move them up to 
10.04.  I can buy licenses for my sunrays for 100 dollars a pop, and patches 
from oracle for 100 dollars a year.  I cannot afford 2000 dollars a year for my 
Blade and my X2200 for solaris.  I would use it if I could but since I saw that 
license today I am out of luck and will remove solaris from all of my 
computers.  I hope one of the new openindianas is straight up compatible with 
srss 4.2 but I can't count on it.  I am running an older version of 10 on my 
x2200 so I should still be ok with the license for the moment.

I am a professor and all of my work is non-commercial and I require no support 
besides security updates.  I would pay for those just as I pay for them with my 
sunrays.  Now, instead of my students seeing ORACLE on their workstations, they 
will see UBUNTU.  Their call.  Seems absolutely self defeating to me but I 
we do not count.  If that is the case I will just move on.  Pay for what I can 
still afford and just turn my back on what I have really grown to enjoy.  

Let me tell you how sick I am of going back to etc/init.d
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