On 9/14/10, Eric Andersen wrote:

> Whatever Apple does or doesn't do, the point I was trying to make was that a
> whole lot of people are willing to not only accept, but pay for an operating
> system that is closed source.  A very large amount of OS X source code is
> open and freely available, so it was a bad example of that point.

The new Solaris and its impending source drops bear more resemblance
to OS X than they do to something completely closed source like
Windows. If you want Windows source you have to be either a
billionaire, a large nation/state, or both. And several billion seats
of Windows is enough proof that people are willing to pay for an OS
regardless of whether its source is available or even marginally
functional. I think the real point that everyone is missing is that
despite everyone's hurt feelings this decision has been made in order
to keep Solaris viable and profitable -- something that Sun was
obviously unable to do for much of the past decade.

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