[NOTE: This post was inadvertanly begun on the `zfs' list but belongs
here so reposting with some changes, introducing another whole line
of question]

If I were to decide my current setup is too problem beset to continue
using it, is there a guide or some good advice I might employ to scrap
it out and build something newer and better in the old roomy midtower?

I don't mean the hardware part, although I no doubt will need advice
right through that part too, but here I'm asking about maintaining the
data on 3 mirrored pools.

I have: rpool @ 2 WD 500GB (old fashioned IDE)
        pool2 @ 2 WD 500GB sata 
        pool3 @ 2 WD 750GB sata

A total of something like 1.7 tb maybe 35% full of data

I'm a bit worried about whether with modern hardware the IDE drives
will even have a hookup.  If it does, can I just hook the two rpool
discs up to two of them and expect it to boot OK?
I expect to make sure I have a goodly number of sata connections even
if it means extra cards, but again, can just hook the other mirrored
discs up and expect them to just work.

Not likely is my guess, so what about some kind of brief outline to
use for a plan of attack?

Would I expect to need to reinstall for starters?

-------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      -------- 

Another whole approach might be to host the Opensolaris OS on new
powerful hardware setup running windows 7.

This would be because I've become something of a semi-professional
video and graphics editor since retirement... its starting to be a lot
of what I do.

All my tools rely on windows OS... like the adobe suites or the sony
(Vegas) tools.

There just are not really top notch tools that run on either linux or

I've been using my Opensolaris machine as a home NAS for the hefty
files involved in graphics work.

So to host OSol on a windows machine running some of modern stuff like
i7 920 CPUs and dual quad cores etc etc   And especially really hefty
amounts of ram.  Adobe tools really love the RAM.

But the rub would be how to get my current data onto a VM hosted
Opensolaris OS.  I don't think I could just attach the current disks
and make the VM hosted OS use them... I'm not sure, but I'd need to
move some 400-500GB of data. 

I'd like to hear a few ideas about that.

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