Albert Lee <> writes:


> ATA->SATA adapter hardware is < $5 US shipped. (All of the ones I've
> seen are actually bidirectional and do SATA->ATA as well).

So that would appear as an IDE port then ... good.
> Depends on what your current problems are, of course.

Far as OS goes I don't think I have a problem any more.  I was getting
repeated corrupted data (in the snapshots) on one pool but I think
I've got that cleaned up by moving the data and `zfs destroy -r' the
problem filesystems, then running a scrub.  `zpool status' now gives the
thumbs up, and the pool that received the data has made no complaints
so far.

>> -------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      --------
>> Another whole approach might be to host the Opensolaris OS on new
>> powerful hardware setup running windows 7.
>> This would be because I've become something of a semi-professional
>> video and graphics editor since retirement... its starting to be a lot
>> of what I do.
>> All my tools rely on windows OS... like the adobe suites or the sony
>> (Vegas) tools.
> Or you could run Windows in VirtualBox. Or both on VMware or something.

That was my first thought too.  But then someone here pointed out that
why would I make windows the guest when the work is all windows native
tools and processes.  And if I had a plenty of ram, opensolaris would
run full tilt as guest... and doesn't need a good quality graphics
card (which is not available in VM far as I've heard.

So it seems to make more sense with Osol as guest.

>> But the rub would be how to get my current data onto a VM hosted
>> Opensolaris OS.  I don't think I could just attach the current disks
>> and make the VM hosted OS use them... I'm not sure, but I'd need to
>> move some 400-500GB of data.
> Yes, you should be able to just attach the disks to any regular VM.

Are you saying you can set things in Vbox or VMware so that the guest
uses actual hardware with no `virtual' layer in there?

In other words you could assign the set of 2 500gb IDE drives as boot
and rpool mirror to the guest OS? And the data would be available like
it was when it was installed on an Osol machine?

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