Albert Lee <> writes:

> On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Harry Putnam <> wrote:
>> [Note: This may appear as a double post or some goofy cross post
>>  I inadvertently posted this on the openindiana group when I was
>>  supposed to go here, opensolaris.general
>> I've been pawing around with google looking for a standard way to set
>> up a static IP address on newer opensolaris builds, in this case b
>> 134.
>> I see at least 3 different methods described... all different.
>> The most recent appears to be Jan 2010... but doesn't say what build.
>> Before I start just mucking around experimenting, isn't there a tried
>> and true way to do this by now?
>> Some straightforward numbered guide that works for recent builds?
> The "legacy" /etc/hostname.* approach (covered in the Solaris 10 docs)
> will work on any build if you disable NWAM and enable physical:default
> as described in nwamd(1).
> If you only have one interface you can use the NWAM static
> configuration mentioned in nwamd(1). This works in builds prior to 135
> (when NWAM Phase I integrated), for later builds, you can use nwamcfg
> or the graphical nwam-manager.

Thanks for the good info.. well appreciated.

You mention builds `prior to 135'.  I was under the impression that 134
was the last build... since the big oracle affair kicked off.

What other builds beyond 134 are available?  and where?

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