Sorry to be so poor in understanding the specs given on computer parts
you may look up on line.

I'm in the market to upgrade a fading (oldish) Athlon64 +3400 setup with
something a little newer.... no bleeding edge for what is only a home
zfs server.

I happened to be looking at the specs on a 
   Gigabyte GA-880GMA-UD2H (rev. 2.0)

Which gives a spec on the sata ports I don't really understand:

First let me preface by saying my experience of SATA ports is limited
to technology quite old by now.. maybe 5-7 yrs.  In my experience on
the mo board in the above mentioned aging hardware:  (I think it
is this: Abit AK86-L is socket 754.  [The machine is clear broke down now
so I can't confirm easily])

had 2 main ports and then somekind of raid ports.  Far as I could see
you were able to attach only 1 sata device to each port.
(Of course ports could be and were added by PSI card)

Sorry for getting a little carried away with details there, here is
the question:

In the spec at the above Gigabyte site, Under the heading of 
`Storage Interface':

 South Bridge:
   1. 5 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 6 supporting up to 5 SATA 6Gb/s devices
  And in the supplied image of the board I see 5 sata ports showing.

So does that mean each ports is supposed to be able to support 5 sata

I want to know exactly the sata capacity of the board as that is the
first thing I will run out of since I already have 6 fullish discs
from the down machine to but in.

ps - Note the mobo is given with a revision number. I wondered if that
is something to be wary of, like if some revisions are known bad or whatnot.

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