On 03/02/11 08:17, Kishore Kumar Pusukuri wrote:
I have been compiling and running OpenMP parallel programs successfully so far on my 
OpenSolaris.2009.10 machine. However I am unable to run one program with more than one 
thread(lwp). Please see details of the program below. Please let me know if there is 
anything wrong with the compilation or running this particular program. I am using the 
following command line arguments to run the program and I am using g++-4.2.3 to compile 
the program with "-fopenmp" option and also linked libmtsk.so.1. There are no 
compilation warnings/errors.

$env OMP_NUM_THREADS=8<myprogram>

$ ldd<myprogram>
  libmtsk.so.1 =>   /lib/libmtsk.so.1
  libstdc++.so.6 =>         /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
  libm.so.2 =>      /lib/libm.so.2
  libgomp.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/libgomp.so.1
  libgcc_s.so.1 =>          /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
  libpthread.so.1 =>        /lib/libpthread.so.1
  libc.so.1 =>      /lib/libc.so.1
  libthread.so.1 =>         /lib/libthread.so.1
  libdl.so.1 =>     /lib/libdl.so.1

sorry not replying to your problem, but why don't you try sun studio express? it's free
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