On 11/10/11 10:08 AM, Shawn Walker wrote:
On 11/09/11 13:03, Ian Collins wrote:
On 11/10/11 09:46 AM, Shawn Walker wrote:

pfexec pkg update '*@latest'

That will tell the package system that you're trying to update to the
latest version of all packages.

It will then attempt to determine why it cannot do that.

If you have *any* packages installed from opensolaris.org, you'll likely
need to remove them.

I guess these are the culprits:

pfexec pkg update '*@latest'
Creating Plan |
pkg update: No matching version of gnome-photo-printer can be installed:

Reason: All acceptable versions of 'require' dependency on
pkg:/SUNWgnome-print@0.5.11,5.11-0.111 are obsolete
No matching version of openoffice can be installed:
Reject: pkg://opensolaris.org/openoffice@3.1.0,5.11-0.111:20090518T062712Z
Reason: All acceptable versions of 'require' dependency on
pkg:/SUNWPython@2.4.4,5.11-0.111 are obsolete
No matching version of virtualbox can be installed:
Reject: pkg://extra/virtualbox@3.1.8,5.11-0.101:20100511T153708Z
Reason: All acceptable versions of 'require' dependency on
pkg:/SUNWPython25@2.5,5.11-0.101 are obsolete
Yes, those would definitely cause an issue.

Removing those packages should allow you to proceed.

So it does. I also had to remove wine, in response to

pfexec pkg uninstall openoffice
Creating Plan -
pkg uninstall: The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
for dir 'usr/share/applications' with conflicting attributes:

1 package delivers 'dir group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/share/applications': pkg://contrib.opensolaris.org/wine@1.0.1,5.11-0.101:20081209T223210Z 60 packages deliver 'dir group=other mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/share/applications', including:

The wording in that error is a bit confusing, shouldn't "to install" be "to uninstall"? Some form of force option may help with these petty conflicts.

I hope some of the issues in this thread find their way into the release notes to assist others.

Thanks for the help,


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