Ian Collins <i...@ianshome.com> writes:

>> Is there a good URL for whatever is involved getting the NFS client
>> shares auto mounted?  They would be on a Debian linux server.  Both
>> boxes will be both server and client.
> For Solaris, man automount.

Yes, of course but if you don't really understand that page then is
there a more detailed URL with more examples somewhere?

As always the man page is intended for someone who has the basic idea
and just needs reminders of syntax or the like... I need to start
somewhere below that.

For example:

>From man automount
        # Master map for automounter
       /net          -hosts    -nosuid
       /home         auto_home

It says that `+auto_master' is reference to NIS or NIS+ map if one

So if one does not exist do you leave `+auto_master' out?

     `/home    auto_home'

Is auto_home a reference to another file somewhere? Or is it meant
verbatim?  Or am I supposed to know to put a map entry there...  like
host:/path/to ?

In my case I want to mount a directory from a linux machine at 

and another at

On the linux machine `pub' is found at /pub
`projects' is found at /path/to/projects

After studying that man page I still have no idea what my entries should
look like.  And further if auto_pub is a map... what does it look
like?  There appear to be `direct' and `indirect' ... and ...

 /pub       linux.machine.onlan:/pub  <which, if any options> ?

/pub         auto_pub ?  (and if so, is auto_pub another file   somewhere?)

Then the whole question of possible options leads off into more
man pages with more confusing information.  That is, confusing unless
you are at or above a fairly sophisticated level already.

I need to see some simplified examples that take the whole matter up
in one go and explain why, for someone who is not already at a fairly
sophisticated level... Or in fact is in no way sophisticated at all.

If it matters there are users with the same name and group.  The
numeric gid is also the same. Uid is different and unless I really
need to, I'd as soon leave that alone since there are already numbers
of files belonging to a specific (though different) number uid on both

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