> Hey Kay,
> Vsphere is actually the management portion of VMWare.
> I like virtualbox (and it's also a Sun offering). It's available in 
> the pkg.sun.com/extras <http://pkg.sun.com/extras> repo or through 
> virtualbox.org <http://virtualbox.org> . It has a headless mode btw.
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Steven
> -----------------------
> Steven Acres
> Toronto OpenSolaris User Group <TOROSUG>
> Leader
> http://opensolaris.org/os/project/torosug
Hi Steve :-)

I run Vbox right now and just upgraded the memory on my notebook to 6GB 
as I'm currently running 2 VM's; one VoIP gateway and also OpenSol but 
am moving to Turkey on Sunday so basically will grab some new machines 
for my network as backend servers which are going to be 2 x Sun Fire 
X2250s with dual sockets and quad cores each then run 4 x OS's on them 
(mixture of OpenSolaris and Linux).

That's mainly why am asking as don't want to put GUI onto server as 
security becomes more compromised that way.

But if you reckon Vbox CLI then I need to investigate that as I only 
know it as GUI - however the host OS takes up quite a bit of resources 
and you don't get the full H/W available from the system either as it 
isn't exposed to the guest OS.
--Perhaps with Pentium Xeon machines it's not such a big issue as could 
always do a HD install of OpenSol or whatever the best OSol derived 
system is for servers then run each service I need in a zone, apart from 
my 2 colab servers which need Linux and also a monitoring station too as 
haven't seen Cacti and Munin in OSol repos so means need to compile and 
that's a task....



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